ProCone AG International

+41 (0)62 216 80 80   +41 (0)62 216 80 81
+41 (0)62 216 80 80   +41 (0)62 216 80 81
+41 (0)62 216 80 80   +41 (0)62 216 80 81
+41 (0)62 216 80 80   +41 (0)62 216 80 81
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Leading through innovation
ProCone connected to the Environment.
Innovation, a step ahead of the competition.
We bring sustainable solutions to your problem.
CO2 and material recovery through innovation.
Hydrogen, Carbon Black, Paraffin and Energy production
without environmental impact.

Our Conversion Technologies transforms
combustible materials like Waste, Biomass,
Wood, Tires and many more into
Energy, Steam, Synthetic Fuels, Paraffin Wax
Carbon Black, Hydrogen and others combined with
carbon capture and sequestration.
We Love Creating Solutions
Through ProCone’s competency in material handling and management and its core technology, the conversion of all different wastes into valuable products and energy fetches a profitable return for the investor and project owner. Client tailored engineering projects executed through precision and know-how, underlined with proven technology, yield commercial success as the waste becomes a valued asset and not an environmental burden.

Environmental care
Keeping people, environment, investment and the recovery of energy and valuable materials from waste in the center of the economic growth, the BASURAgas® Universal System emits no harmful emissions to air, soil and water, particularly carcinogenic substances (aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins and furans, etc.). Therefore, the BASURAgas® Universal System achieves a high reduction of the CO2 footprint, which is repaid by profitable certificates (carbon credits).

Modern Technology
The core technology, the BASURAgas® Universal System that can be globally deployed and placed independently from existing utilities, is comprised of the high-efficiency gasifier, gas cleaning and purification unit, gas fermenter, catalytic converter and other proven conversion components offered to their clients as a total integrated system, even capable to produce profitable Bio-Diesel, Bio-Jet-Fuel, Carbon Black and Hydrogen.
Main Services

Proven technology for your solution.
Project development and feasibility study.
ECPM for your "One Stop Shop" project.
Operation and after sales support.
Materials handling and management services.
Technology Provider
The BASURAgas® Universal System requires a lower capital investment and has a much lesser environmental footprint than conventional mass incinerators. It is an environmentally friendly and sustainable process and achieves a much higher profit in comparison to mass incinerators, landfills, and other waste handling technologies, as there is minimal refuse and the produced products can be sold worldwide in the commodity market.
EPCM Provider
Our main engineering skills are process technology development from bench scale investigations to pilot plant operations and technology transfer so that our emerging processes can be effectively licensed and scaled to commercial operation. These activities are aided by many years of experience of the design, construction and operation of bench, pilot and commercial process units all over the world.
Latest Projects

Why ProCone?
Because ProCone has a proven sustainable technology to reduce an environmental burden and has a pipeline of beneficial and ready to start projects.
The most important aspect of any project is to understand the client's needs, material sources and environmental and social surroundings. Being responsible, conscious and well aware that all of these aspects need to be considered in a complex plan, ProCone will transfer the client needs into a successful, economic and environmental friendly facility.
Hydrogen Production
Synthetic Gas Cleaning Unit
Combined Cycle Power Plant 6 MW
Plant Automation
Wood Power Plant
Synthetic Gas Cleaning Unit
Ready for your next project?

Our Company

ProCone supports environmentally friendly, sustainable and global development in the field of energy and marketable materials recovery ensuring the following key values such as: only economically sound projects will be executed, only environmentally responsible projects will be pursued and only ethical and socially accepted projects are implemented.

25 Years of Experience
ProCone’s services and products were developed over many years in cooperation with reputable institutions using only proven technology as a base with the goal to minimize project and operational risk and not placing any strain to the environment. Innovation at its best performing outstanding achievement.

Safety and Guarantee
ProCone is committed to the health and safety of all employees and clients without compromise. This means adapting the best safety practices possible and providing diligent training to all staff and operators. No project will ever take precedence over the safety of our employees, our clients and the environment.

ProCone’s technology allows the client to change to other produced products, if markets in the long-term are not showing to be profitable anymore, without to re-invent the whole facility. Sometimes small process changes will yield other products that are more profitable. This flexibility, strategic thinking, market-focused and planning is the strength of ProCone.
Modern Equipment

Keeping People and the Environment at the center of the economic growth, ProCone’s technology, the BASURAgas® Universal System, strengths are in recovery of valuable materials combined with CO2 capture and sequestration of any type of combustible waste through patented and proprietary technology. In addition, the production of marketable and valuable fuels, carbon black, hydrogen and other materials by reduction of significant emissions, pollutants and waste utilizing a closed loop conversion system.
Owners of such waste now have a motive to divert those materials to logistically placed ProCone facilities to convert them into high economical energy, synthetic liquids, paraffin wax, carbon black and other materials combined with CO2 capture and sequestration. These owners are not polluters anymore, but eco-friendly business entrepreneurs.  
ProCone's facilities are easy and safe to operate. The equipment proves a high quality standard and is very reliable. The conversion technology applied is sustainable and yield a very high economical revenue keeping HSE always as a priority.

Eva Steinhauser
Process Engineer
The support we receive from ProCone is outstanding. Their maintenance and operation support is highly professional. The result is a low operation cost and down turn. The operational risk with the high quality equipment is minimal.

Mathias Lehmann
Operations Manager
ProCone’s engineering program offers incredible and immeasurable value providing top-level design assistance with our projects. They deliver quick turn-around, outstanding client support and cost effective solutions that are straightforward.

Hans Laubert
Construction Manager
The latest information

Find out the latest news about ProCone and its projects, new technology development and operations.
Here you can also request documents.
Conversion of MSW to Marketable Products (W2V)
The objective is to build a long term, environmentally und economically feasible MSW conversion plant by means of proven innovative technology with carbon capture and sequestration to reducing carbon emissions, which could be key to the coal industry to helping to tackle global warming.
In today's environment the conversation of unusable materials (waste) to valuble and marktable products, is the goal to be environmentally sustainable (Waste to Value or W2V.)
Published by Fabio Scandella - 30 Nov 2022
Conversion of Coal to Marketable Products
The objective is to build a long term, environmentally und economically feasible Coal conversion plant by means of proven innovative technology with carbon capture and sequestration to reducing carbon emissions, which could be key to the coal industry to helping to tackle global warming. In today's environment the conversation of coal to valuble and marktable products, is the goal to be environmentally sustainable.
Published by Fabio Scandella - 30 Nov 2022
Materials Handling and Management
ProCone's White Paper: Materials Handling and Management. ProCone's White Paper: Materials Handling and Management. In today's environment the conversation of unusable materials (waste) to valuble and marktable products, is the goal to be environmentally sustainable (Waste to Value or W2V.)
Published by Fabio Scandella - 23 Nov 2022
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